Topic: FOLLOW JESUS ALL THE WAY  – Bishop Mike Okonkwo Devotional 30 November 2019 [The Redeemed Evangelical Mission]

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“My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.”
John 10: 27 KJV

All you need is Jesus! If you have Him and can just follow Him wholeheartedly, everything will be alright. Many Christian folks are struggling and they are praying, with nothing to show for it. It is time to begin to follow the Lord.

In John 21:15, when all was said and done; Jesus said to Peter, “Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me more than these?” Peter said, ‘Lord you know I love you.’ Jesus answered, ‘If you love me, feed my lambs.’ The second and third time, He said ‘Feed my sheep.’ In other words, get involved.

In John 21:18, He said to Peter: ‘You know when you were a baby, you could do whatever you wanted but when you are grown as an old man, you would be led.

In John 21:19, the Lord said to Peter, ‘Follow me.’ There is maturity in following. That is all I have been teaching over the years. My assignment is to teach you to follow Jesus.  It is not just good enough to be a convert. Go further and be a follower. That is the sign of maturity in God.

Peter turned around and said, ‘What about John?’ And the Lord said ‘leave John alone.’ Do you know why the Lord said that? John was a disciple. He did not need to speak to John twice. All He needed to do was to look at John and he would know what needed to be done. At the critical time of His life, guess who Jesus handed over His mother to? John!  He gave her to John. And the Bible says John took her all the way, never stopping.

Jesus knew that John could be depended upon. He was a disciple.  He was following all the way. The tempest may rage, billows may toss high, there may be problems, there may be challenges, there may be obstacles, there may be impediments; but follow Jesus all the way.

Further Reading: John 21: 1-22
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Ezekiel 37-39; Evening- 2 Peter 2

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