Topic: “FOLLOWERS” – Daily Devotional By Dag Heward-Mills Ministry 7 May 2021 -

Topic: “FOLLOWERS” – Daily Devotional By Dag Heward-Mills Ministry 7 May 2021

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READ : 2 Samuel 23:8-17

As the Father hath loved me, so have I loved you: continue ye in my love.” – John 15:9

Agood leader is surrounded by people who are glad to carry out his wishes. If you are a leader, look into the eyes of those who follow you. Are those eyes gleaming with eagerness or do they radiate resentment and bitterness?

Many mighty men surrounded King David. No doubt, several of them would have laid down their lives for him if the need arose. What made David’s men so ready to give up their lives so that he could have a drink of water?

What can you do to make the people who are following you genuinely willing to obey and to flow with you? Make people feel important, that you genuinely respect and love them; this would go a long way in making your followers love you. People naturally love those who respect them.

Transform the people who follow you into eminent, distinguished, celebrated and impressive men. Jesus transformed His followers into the great apostles that we know them to be. He promised them mansions in Heaven as well as many other rewards. No wonder they died for him.

When the people you lead feel that in following you they will become great in this life, they will be very willing to stay close. Pay good salaries and make sure that everyone who works for you has a home, cars and enough money.

A true leader has willing followers. Decide from today to make the people around you enthusiastic about their jobs and their association with you. Sacrifice to make them happy

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