Topic: “FOLLOWING AFTER” – Daily Devotional By Dag Heward-Mills Ministry 8 September 2020

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READ: Philippians 3:7-17

A Not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect: but I follow after ...” – Philippians 3:12

Anyone who listens to tapes and reads books will receive to a greater or lesser extent some anointing. As you listen to a CD, you learn the message. You acquire the knowledge content. I went further without even knowing what I was doing. Somehow it was not the knowledge content that I was after. I had virtually assimilated all the facts that were being shared after a few times of listening to the tape. My love for the Word made me expose myself to the anointing without even knowing it.

I remember being blessed by the messages of a pastor of a huge church in Los Angeles, California. I had a few videos of his that I thoroughly enjoyed. I would watch these videos over and over again. As I watched this pastor preaching in his church, I desired to have a church like that and to preach as well as he did. One day, I was preaching in my church, walking up and down the aisle when the Spirit of God told me, “This is it!” It suddenly dawned on me that I was walking in the steps of the pastor that I had watched and listened to for years. I was teaching and preaching like he did. I was pastoring a church which was as large as I had seen on the video tape. You see, when the anointing is on you, you will do certain specific things in your ministry.

Do you want to have a big church? Do you want to be an evangelist? Look around and see who God is using and follow that person. Listen to his CDs and read his books. The anointing will fall on you one day

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