Topic: FOR ALL THE LONELY PEOPLE – Right From The Heart Daily Devotional by Bryant Wright Ministry 9 August 2021 -

Topic: FOR ALL THE LONELY PEOPLE – Right From The Heart Daily Devotional by Bryant Wright Ministry 9 August 2021

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August 09, 2021“Since the children have flesh and blood, He too shared in their humanity…” Hebrews 2:14

You’re not alone in feeling alone. 

Loneliness is a worldwide epidemic, reaching every corner of the globe and showing no distinction between age, gender, race, or socioeconomic level.  In recent years, both Great Britain and Japan have even appointed official “Ministers of Loneliness” to confront the enormous problem in their countries.  

I applaud their efforts.   

But when loneliness knocks on your door, comes in for a visit, and lingers way longer than you’d like, having a national “Minister of Loneliness” probably isn’t much help, is it?

I speak from experience. I’ve tasted loneliness more in the past decade than any other season in my life. 

I often perceive a gap between the quality of relationships I long for and the quality of relationships I actually have. (I have a feeling you can relate). 

Yes, loneliness lives in this gap, but so does the compassion of Jesus. 

Here’s a thought that continues to bring me great comfort:

Jesus did not exempt Himself from the desolating pain of loneliness.

Since He “shared in our humanity,” He can relate to us in our everyday struggles, including loneliness. Jesus is the perfect Minister of Loneliness, if you will, who faced loneliness head on and emerged victorious. 

Let me explain.  

You see, Jesus dwelled in perfect harmony with the Father and Spirit from eternity past. To become human, He relinquished this intimacy and subjected Himself to broken, imperfect relationships.  

He lived among people who were made in His image, yet who did not “recognize, nor receive Him” (John 1:10,11). Isaiah even says Jesus would be “despised and rejected by men” (Isaiah 53:3).  

This rejection was most apparent during the final hours of His life. 

• Facing the agony of His looming crucifixion, Jesus’ disciples could not even stay awake to pray with Him in Gethsema

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