Topic: Four Powerful Words – Joyce Meyer Devotional 26 November    2022

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Four Powerful Words

    One way the devil may try to keep you trapped in pain in your soul is by making you think you are missing out on something good you could have enjoyed had you not suffered the way you did. He may try to convince you that your life was destined to be wonderful before those painful events took place, but now that you have been wounded, it will not be as good as it might have been.

    This scheme of the enemy usually starts with two words: If only. I had to learn to resist thinking and saying “if only” statements, even after I became a Christian. I wasted a lot of time thinking, Things are better for me now, but they would be even greater if only I had not been abused. I would not have some of the problems I have now if only I had a normal childhood with parents who loved me properly.

    You may be thinking similar thoughts, which could include, If only my loved one had not gotten sick and passed away, I would be happy. Or, It would be so much easier for me to enter into new relationships if only So-and-So had not betrayed my trust and abandoned me. Maybe even as you are reading this, you can identify an “if only” thought specific to your situation or remember a time when you said, “If only….”

    Read also: Open Heaven 26 November  2022 Daily Devotional By Pastor E. A. Adeboye – BEWARE OF COVETOUSNESS II 

    “If only” brings up negative thoughts and emotions and leads to negative confessions, so I want to suggest an alternative. Instead of “if only,” what if you were to think and speak the two positive words “but God”? Think for a moment about how that would change the way you see yourself and the way you view your life.

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