Topic: “FREELY GIVE” – Daily Devotional By Dag Heward-Mills Ministry 2 March 2021

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READ: Luke 5:1-11

But I say, that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, and not to God…” – 1 Corinthians 10:20

Once, in Amsterdam, a brother told me, “I tried four times to come to Europe from Ghana, by stowing away on a ship.” He smiled proudly and declared, “I am a Dutch citizen today.”

When I asked why he failed to attend church services consistently, he laughed and mumbled some lame excuse about his work. Surprisingly, this young man who had risked his life four times to become a Dutch citizen, would not make any sacrifices to become a citizen of Heaven.

Pilots and other airline crew make great sacrifices for money in this era of Osama Bin Laden, terrorism and numerous plane crashes. Nevertheless, there are wives who happily see their pilot-husbands off to the plane and don’t think twice about it. These same wives would not allow their husbands to work in the ministry. When you are taking a journey for the Kingdom, you will be asked whether the trip is necessary.

Bankers and accountants spend many hours at work and often return home after 9 p.m. every night. They hardly see their families; but this is okay if it is for the bank. Unfortunately, the ministry is perceived as a second-rate job not worthy of any sacrifice.

“Sacrifice to the devil but don’t sacrifice to God!” This is the unspoken message of our friends and relatives.

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