Topic: FROM A HEART OF JOY: PRINCIPLE #3 IN LIVING AND GIVING EXPECTANTLY – Right From The Heart Daily Devotional by Bryant Wright Ministry 9 July 2021

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July 09, 2021“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”  2 Corinthians 9:7

Have you ever felt pressure to give to a good cause? Maybe that pressure turned into guilt and you reluctantly contributed a little something out of obligation. Sadly, we preachers sometimes add to this feeling of pressure and guilt when it comes to the topic of giving. So, what does God’s Word actually say about the subject? It might surprise you.

When it comes to generous giving, God is most interested in our hearts – our motivation. In fact, God’s Word says that when it comes to generosity, we should be giving voluntarily and happily. Notice what’s missing? There’s nothing there about guilt, pressure, or obligation.

The Greek word for cheerful means hilarious. It means giddy. In other words, the attitude in which we give should be joyful. Why is that? Because it’s not only the act of obedience in trusting God that gives us joy, but it’s the joy of seeing and hearing the stories of others who have come to know Christ and have grown in their relationship with the Lord due in part to our generosity. That’s why we should be getting excited about giving. That’s where the joy should come from.

So, what’s your attitude when it comes to giving? Do you give out of guilt and obligation or from a heart of joy? If you find yourself lacking a cheerful attitude when it comes to giving generously, ask God for a perspective shift. Remember your own journey of faith and all the people, places, and resources that went into you getting to know God on a personal level. Wouldn’t it be great if your financial gift could help someone else along their journey to faith?

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