Topic: From Condemnation to Unconditional Love [Charles Stanley Daily Devotional 18 July 2020] -

Topic: From Condemnation to Unconditional Love [Charles Stanley Daily Devotional 18 July 2020]

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From Condemnation to Unconditional Love

Ephesians 6:4

If you have kids, you’re no doubt aware of your unique opportunity to show God’s love to them. You can even be the one to lead them into a personal relationship with Jesus. As parents, however, we can sometimes become a stumbling block for our children rather than a bridge to God. For example, out of a desire for their sons and daughters to be successful, some parents keep raising the bar. For instance, if your child brings home an A, do you look for an A+ next time?

Unless we are careful, our children may mistake their age-appropriate efforts as substandard and disappointing. Later on, they could assume that pleasing God is similarly out of reach.

As we encourage our children to achieve, we must be balanced and affirm who they are, apart from their performance. When we do, they’ll know we appreciate them and that God values them, too.

Of course, the desire of all Christian parents is for their children to acknowledge dependence on God and to receive Christ as Savior. At the end of the day, our own acceptance and appreciation will help them embrace God’s unconditional love and know that He’s both forgiven their sins and erased all condemnation (Rom. 8:1).

Bible in One Year: Ecclesiastes 5-8

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