Topic: Fully Alive [Charles Stanley Daily Devotional 20 August 2020]

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Fully Alive

Colossians 2:9-14

John 10:10 says that through Christ, we are offered a life that’s abundant and fully alive. Yet how many of us would say we’ve fully appropriated that life? Sadly, not many. We tend to define “fully alive” by earthly things like relationships, physical health, and tangible possessions. But Jesus had more in mind—specifically, spiritual treasures. Some of these belong to us now, and some are reserved for heaven (Matt. 6:19-20).

In today’s reading, when Paul wrote about being alive in Christ, he used illustrations of circumcision and baptism. To what spiritual treasures do they point?  

Treasure #1—New Nature. From the moment we are saved, Christ lives within us; our old nature is replaced by a spiritually healthy one.

Treasure #2New Freedom. Our salvation liberates us from the penalty of sin because Jesus canceled our debt at the cross—there is no more guilt (Rom. 8:1). True freedom is more valuable than any earthly possession.

Treasure #3—New Standard of Conduct. Upon salvation, we are delivered from legalism, the expressing of faith by adhering to rules. Instead, we live by faith in Christ and experience an intimate relationship with Him through His Spirit.

We who are alive in Christ possess great, lasting riches (2 Corinthians 8:9). Now that’s living!

Bible in One Year: Jeremiah 37-40

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