Topic: Genesis 32:24 [John Hagee Devotional 24 August 2020]

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Then Jacob was left alone; and a Man wrestled with him until the breaking of day

Wrestling conjures up images of cages, tights, referees, and atomic drops. While most of us may not literally enter the ring, we do understand the conflict.

Each one of us faces the inescapable struggle to choose what we need to do over what we want to do, what we should say over what we should not. Like a wrestler in the ring, we are pushed, pulled, tugged, turned, spun, and slammed.

In the space between what we prefer and what God requires, we engage in a wrestling match. Our natural inclination – our flesh – pulls against the divine direction. In that gap, God is refining us to be the people He created us to be. Here is where character is forged.

God will grapple and struggle, pull and tug. He will turn our heads, twist our arms, and even break our legs to develop the character that He desires in us. He has a destiny for us to fulfill, a purpose beyond our imagination.

He will engage us in the wrestling match of our lives until we become the people that He created us to be. We have His full support. Until the final bell rings, He will go to the mat for us. He will fight for us to the very end.

Today’s Blessing:

May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you and give you His peace. God is at work in you! The test will become your testimony. The battle will become your victory. May you become all that God intends through His mighty power within you.

Today’s Bible Reading: 

Old Testament

Job 8:1-11:20

New Testament

1 Corinthians 15:1-28

Psalms & Proverbs

Psalms 38:1-22

Proverbs 21:28-29

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