Topic: Get Ready to Be Ridiculed – Love Worth Finding Devotional [Adrian Rogers Ministry 17 January 2021]

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Get Ready to Be Ridiculed


“Being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ.” (Philippians 1:6)


One evening, I overheard my father and a friend of our family talking. “What’s Adrian going to do when he gets out of high school?” My dad replied, “Well, he wants to go off to college and study to be a preacher.” That man just laughed and said, “He won’t make it. He’ll never stick it out. He’ll quit.” This was a man that I admired and respected very much. I almost felt like crying.

That’s what the world says about Christians, “They won’t stick it out. They won’t make it.” You see, the devil hasn’t changed his tactics. He’s still mocking and throwing cold water on our walks with the Lord. Get ready. If you don’t feel the flames of ridicule now, just wait.


Have you ever told someone that he or she wouldn’t amount to anything? Has anyone ever told you? Send those lies back to the pit of Hell and rest in the promises of His Word. You are deeply loved and bought with the price of the Savior’s own blood.

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