Topic: GIRD YOUR LOIN – – November 2019

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Dearly beloved, Jesus Christ is never tired of warning us, and we are never tired of ignoring his warning but the end of this striving will end many Christians on the losing side. Christ doesn’t want to see us on that side, I don’t want, and you don’t want too, but we must gird our loins to avoid that. God said, “To whom shall I speak, and give warning, that they may hear? Behold, their ear is uncircumcised, and they cannot hearken: behold, the word of the LORD is unto them a reproach; they have no delight in it.” Jeremiah 6:10. And he is still asking same question till now. The things Jesus Christ revealed to me about the principalities and powers, and their mission objective which is to deny many Christians from entering heaven are really dangerous and many Christians are ignorant of it. Ministers of God doesn’t know they have a greater responsibilities than they think, whoever said God called him or her, must know this truth, God did not called you to prepared people for material success, prosperity, and worldly success, but for heaven by telling them the truth, and sensitizing them about the dangers of missing heaven and the glory of making it to heaven. Telling them to prioritized making it to heaven more than any of their earthly desires. Rapture will leave many Christians who are left behind spiritually, mentally, and physically demoralized, because many pastors never tell them of the sorrows of these things, such as falling short of heaven and rapture will be so devastating. Gird your loin, beloved, our redemption from this world draw nearer.

Dearly beloved, It’s written, “Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.” 1 Peter:1:13. The unpreparedness of many Christians is the reason rapture has tarried. I couldn’t wonder at why many Christians are not interested in going to heaven as Nigerians are highly interested in going to abroad. The (P. P. G M), Pastors Prosperity Gospel Messages have quenched that desire, and has killed any heaven curiosity in many Christians. Jesus Christ told me things we must overcome to make it to heaven. It’s written, “Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness” Ephesians 6:14. Jesus Christ said, ”My son, tell people I am not coming to rapture all church goers, but the sanctified and godly Christians, and those who never live like the world, talk, and dress like them, dancing to worldly song and listening to them. Such Christians who do those things have no place for me in their hearts. I am coming for those who desire to be with me. Some of my flocks are ready but others are not and they are the reason I tarried. But I am coming, tell my people to get ready to meet with me.”

Dearly beloved, I am telling you this to get you prepared because death or rapture can open at any time and none of these events can inform us of the date and time they are coming. I am telling you a part of this vision, why many Christians will not be rapture except they forsake the love, funs, and pleasures of the world. The world was like a sea of water and a mighty wind was blowing over it and there were two buses on top of the water, one was white and the other black and I was with Jesus Christ in heaven watching it, He said, ”My son, let us draw closer to the earth” and when we did so. The first thing Christ did was take me to the white bus which was sealed up like air condition bus, but was long and only few people were inside with brilliant white robes and all of them set their faces straight forward without looking left or right or back. When we come back to the white bus again after showing me things about the black bus, I saw many people gathered round the white bus striving to enter in. I said Lord, they want to enter open the bus for them, Jesus Christ said, My son, look at them and when I did, I saw a breastplate upon their chest with inscription Christians and I was very happy to tell Jesus Christ, they are Christians, open it for them. Jesus Christ told me, My son, look at them again and when I did, I saw millions of Christians including pastors wives and pastors, and youths, with things like eyes lashes, painted lips, terrible wigs upon their heads, wearing short skirts revealing their physique, clothes revealing parts of their breasts, back, and navel. I saw Christians youth playing worldly songs, put their trousers on their laps instead of their waist revealing their underwear, Christians wearing different hand bands of their church, wearing different neck laces, perm hair, some were dancing, playing gba, gba, gba worldly beatings. These with other things made me to start crying and Jesus Christ told me, My son, did you see why I won’t let them in.

Dearly beloved, overcoming these things below will make your chances of making it to heaven brighter, but take note, it’s not a day battle but all your days on earth, you must gird your loin, it’s written, “Let your loins be girded about, and your lights burning.”– Luke:12:35* Have you seen a scenario where women about to fight will loose their scarf and gird (tie) their loins (waists)? So prepare to gird your loin for battle to make it to heaven.

  1. LUSTFULNESS: I know many of you will hate me concerning this because many of you are guilty of it as Christians. February 11, 2012, Jesus Christ told me to close my Facebook account after many things he told me. For this present world, to lust is a normal thing for Christians and unbelievers. Girls like posting their buttocks, breasts, physiques in social media, to earn like and comments from lusting guys, but at same time they are making many lusting after them by reason of their pictures. Watching opposite sex pictures have created so much lusting in people’s heart, watching sexual videos and pictures brings war against the soul, avoid it and your soul will be at rest. It’s written, “Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul” 1 Peter:2:11.

To look sexy and attractive is 90% girls and some women priority and to look handsome and cute is 80% boys and some men priority. Artificial make-ups are Satan’s weapon of seduction many Christians women and girls are wearing them. Harlots brought all these things to the world knowledge because many of these harlots are from under world or seas as Christ had showed me. People are publishing themselves, their clothes, new hair style, their money and others just to make others lust after them. I told one sister who is still single trying to seduced people to marry her she will attracts the wrong persons, she ignored me. Two years now she has suffered five broken relationship because she seduce lustful people to herself. Stop lusting after people and things of this world beloved brothers and sisters.

  1. SEDUCING SPIRITS: My beloved sisters, sorry to hear this, women are Satan commonest weapons of seduction, followed by money that’s where men are used more than women. Every girl or woman dress for a purpose, but many girls and some married women are dressing to seduced people who are sexually possessed craving for anything about a woman. The seducing and lustful demons are the prevailing forces in this world right now. Even many uncrucified pastors and Christians are victimized by these demons. What we see and hear are their weapons to seduced us and make us lusts. Artificial make-ups are Satan’s design many Christians girls and women are possessed wearing. If you’ve read my message WHERE THE CARCASS IS you will know what I am talking about. It’s written, “These things have I written unto you concerning them that seduce you.” 1 John 2:26. See Revelation 2:20.
  2. TRANSFERENCE OF SPIRITS: The need for sanctification is a necessary thing for those who desire to make it to heaven, whatever we’ve been taught about God can slip from us, and without sanctification we can never be holy even as God is holy. Without sanctification our garments will always have black spots and nobody with black spots on his or her garment will be rapture or make it to heaven. Associating with worldly and ungodly people, things and places leads to transference of spirits. Playing worldly songs or listening to it is bad, watching sexual videos is bad, the spirits in these things are transferred to people through their eyes and ears. And people don’t have peace until they practice sexual videos or pictures they watched, because the seducing and lustful demons are working in them.
  3. LYING SPIRITS: At the beginning of this year, I saw many pastors of Nigeria giving out prophesies about the nation. I never find one minister who said God speak about rapture, holiness, righteousness, godliness, and sanctification which many Nigeria Christians are void of. Jesus Christ told me, those who don’t rely on him and his Word will be deceived, lying spirits are everywhere, only those who know the truth will be sanctified from their lies. Those who don’t believe the truth, God will send them a strong delusion to believe a lie. It’s written, “And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie. That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.” 2 Thessalonians:2:11-12.
  4. DECEITFUL SPIRITS: Christians are Satan’s target he wants to deceived and he is doing that using many pastors already trusted by their congregations to be of God. Deceitful spirits have flooded this world, false doctrines, visions, prophesies and revelations are circulating with the speed of light. The truth is slower than the tortoise in moving from one person to another. It’s written, “Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron.” 1 Timothy 4:1-2. Many Christians trust their pastors than Jesus Christ and the Word of God, they won’t verify their words in the Bible like the Bereans (See Acts 17:11). Trust only God and His Word, to avoid being deceived.

Dearly beloved, It is written, ”And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” –John 8:32. Gird your loin, you are preparing for either heaven or hell fire, and the choice is yours to make before death because after death you can’t make choice anymore and repentance is not possible anymore, but now you can repent from your secret sins, our redemption draweth nigh, consider your ways. Share with your friends. Shalom!

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