Topic: Give God Everything [Joyce Meyer Devotional 29 OCTOBER 2020] -

Topic: Give God Everything [Joyce Meyer Devotional 29 OCTOBER 2020]

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For those whom He foreknew . . . He also destined from the beginning . . . to be molded into the image of His Son [and share inwardly His likeness] ….— Romans 8:29 (AMPC)

If we’re really serious about loving God, we need to ask ourselves if there are any areas of our lives where we’re holding out on Him. What are the things that cause us to say, “Well, God, You can have everything but this,” or “Lord, just don’t ask me to quit doing that”?

According to today’s scripture, one of God’s primary goals in our lives is to make us like Jesus. This means that He wants us to keep becoming more like Jesus in our thoughts, in our words, and in our actions. God has given us a free will, and the only way we’ll ever fully belong to Him is to make deliberate decisions to give each piece of our life freely to Him. He’ll never force us to love or serve Him. He will lead us and prompt us, but He’ll always leave the decision to surrender in our court.

If God has been dealing with you about anything, I encourage you not to put it off it any longer. You might intend to surrender at some point later on, but remember that good intentions don’t equal obedience—and obedience is not only what He requires, it’s also what proves our love for Him.

God doesn’t want to take everything we enjoy away from us, but everything must be available to Him. He’s the One who ultimately knows what is really good for us and what isn’t; our job is to trust Him completely and make the choices He leads us to make. When we do, our lives invite His presence and become so much better.

Prayer Starter: Father, please show me the areas of my life where I might be holding back from You, and help me let go of them. Thank You for giving me the grace to choose to follow Your plan, because Yours is always better than mine. In Jesus’ name, amen

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