Topic: GOD ALWAYS MEETS OUR NEEDS – Right From The Heart Daily Devotional by Bryant Wright Ministry 7 November 2020

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November 7, 2020

Sorting through your yearly expenses can be a sobering experience. Believe me, I have been there, especially when our boys were in college. First, I paid the MasterCard bill, and then my quarterly estimated state and federal taxes. This was followed by an exorbitant check for out-of-state college tuition, which had risen 17% that year. (At that point, I imagined a giant vacuum cleaner in the sky, sucking up all our money.) Next, I checked on our retirement account, noting it had dropped double digits –  for the third year in a row. Slowly, this sinking feeling of despair began to creep over me. I must admit that I walked around pretty discouraged for a few days.

Then the Holy Spirit began to minister to me. It was like the Lord was saying, “Didn’t you have enough to pay all your bills? Haven’t I met all of your needs? Haven’t I ALWAYS met all of your needs? What makes you think that after all these years of so-called “spiritual maturity” that I’m no longer going to meet your needs?”

Let me tell you something: that was very convicting. And then the Lord said to my heart, “Bryant, it never was yours in the first place. Whether you’re riding high one year or down in the dumps the next, that’s My decision. It has always been My decision. It has never been yours. I’m just interested in you striving to manage, to the best of your ability, what I entrust to you. And trust Me to take care of the rest.”

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