Topic: “GOD ANOINTS” – Daily Devotional By Dag Heward-Mills Ministry 5 January 2020

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READ: Psalm 89:19-37

“I have found David my servant; with my holy oil have I anointed him:“ – Psalm 89:20

At the Suhum Government Hospital where I was doing my community health rotation as a medical student, one night I was praying and listening to one of the tapes I had bought. At about 3 a.m., I was kneeling by the bed praying. I could see the tape recorder situated at the other end of the room. Then suddenly, something literally jumped out of the tape which was playing and moved into my belly. I could feel it entering me. Then I heard a voice saying, “From now you can teach.” I did not know what that was but I thought to myself, “That is good, because I want to teach.” I did not know at that time that I had received a major impartation of anointing through the channel of soaking in tapes.

The Bible teaches that we should prove all things, so I decided to try out this new gifting. I was invited to teach at a Full Gospel Businessmen’s breakfast meeting in Suhum. After the ministration, someone asked me where my church was. He was surprised that I was an unknown minister. Inside me I knew that something had happened that was making a difference.

When I got back to the church, after a month’s absence, I noticed a difference in my ability to teach and preach. The anointing had arrived and I began to build up. I soon noticed that the attendance and interest in the service began to increase steadily. I noticed there was some life and Spirit in the ministry . My ministry has grown in leaps and bounds because of the anointing I caught from soaking in the Word on a tape.

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