Topic: GOD BECAME A BABY — [Max Lucado Ministry 12 March 2020]

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Prior to Bethlehem God gave us his messengers, his teachers, and his words.  But in the manger, God gave us himself.  Extraordinary, don’t you think?

I imagine even Gabriel scratched his head at the idea of “God with us.” Gabriel surely was not one to question his God-given missions.  When God sent, Gabriel went.  And when the word got out that God was to become a human, Gabriel was no doubt enthused.  He could envision the moment!  The Messiah in a blazing chariot.  The King descending on a fiery cloud.  An explosion of light from which the Messiah would emerge.

What he never expected, however, was a slip of paper with a Nazarene address. “God will become a baby,” it read. “Tell the mother to name the child Jesus.  And tell her not to be afraid.”

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