Topic: God Can Always Make a Way [Joyce Meyer Devotional 30 July 2021]

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Jesus said to him, I am the Way and the Truth and the Life; no one comes to the Father except by (through) Me.— John 14:6 (AMPC)View Previous DevotionalJULY 30, 2021

God Can Always Make a Way

I often hear people say, “There is no way that is going to work,” or “There is no way I can do this,” or “There is no way I will ever get out of debt.” I have said similar things in my life, and those statements are inaccurate, because Jesus is the Way! With men, many things are impossible, but with God all things are possible (see Matthew 19:26).

Are you facing a seemingly impossible situation right now? If so, don’t despair and don’t say, “There is no way!” Isaiah said that God would even make a way in the wilderness and bring rivers in the desert (see Isaiah 43:19). There is always an answer to any problem when Jesus is working on our behalf. Our part is to believe, and when we do, God will go to work, and we will be amazed as we witness the things that only He can do.

After being sexually abused for many years by my father and abandoned by my mother, I thought there was no way I could ever have a happy, normal life, but I was wrong. God heals the broken-hearted! He makes all things new and gives us a life worth living. Only believe, and you will see the glory of God! (See John 11:40.) Doubt your doubts, face your fears, and even when all human reason for hope seems gone, hope in faith that God will make a way!

Prayer Starter: Thank You, Jesus, that You always make a way, even when there seems to be no way. You are the “Way-maker.”

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