TOPIC: GOD CARES [Church of God Mission International] CGMI ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON 12 December 2021

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12TH, DECEMBER, 2021

God cares for His creation, especially those that love Him.

HYMN:S. S & S 877 “Standing on The Promises of Christ”


TEXT: ISAIAH 49:14-21;57:14-21.

Also Read: Open Heaven 12 December 2021 –Topic: COMPLY WITH THE WORD 


God’s care is not limited to the believers only but to all His creation. He created all that is needed for our existence and gave man the power to have dominion over them;to dress the garden (world) and keep them (Gen.2:28-29). After the fall of man, God provided the way of restoring man back to Himself through the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus on the cross of Calvary.(Gen 3:15).It is true that God provides for the just and unjust (matt.5:45); but He takes special interest on those that have found faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. God may allow His children to face Challenges of life; as it is common to man. He has promised not to leave nor forsake us. The Scriptures says in Isaiah 43:2 that when thou passeth through the waters,I will be with thee and through the rivers,they shall not overflow thee; when thou walketh through the fire,thou shall not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee. He is interested in our daily,when we pass through storms of Life,he is with us. The Scriptures has glowing testimonies of God’s care.

The aim of this study is to:
1.highlight some challenges faced by believers in CHRIST;
2.explain the evidence of God’s care;
3.understand the means of knowing that God cares;
4.understand the nature of God’s care; and
5.appreciate the implication of God’s care.


The challenges faced by believers in CHRIST may be internal (self – inflicted) or external,due to the activities of satan and its agents.some of these Challenges faced by parents and children are stated below:
A.*PARENTS; Such Challenges include children upbringing (spiritual lives, education, stubbornness /disobedience/waywardness); disobedience to God’s word as manifested in slothfulness, relationship with in-laws, spouse’s indifference, seeking alternatives in having children, money,help, healing e.t.c
B. CHILDREN; Challenges faced by children include lack of love) care from parents/ guardians, education,peer group influence/pressure societal ill/ threat, wrong choice in marriage, disobedience to God’s word,e.t.c


God’s care is evident in all the Challenges of life. God is concerned about us he carefully controlled everything that touches us and at the same time limitations power against us it is important for us to see God’s hand in every challenge we face as believers because nothing happens to his children without his permission. Job’s case is an example. ( Job 1:22 )
He is the creator of all. He knows how to fix the disjointed parts of every life . He heals the sick and melt the stubborn heart. He restores the back slider. He supplies all our needs according to His riches in glory. He preserves His own and make sure that nothing harms them.


(a) FROM THE HOLY SCRIPTURES (John 3:16-18, Roms. 5:8; Eph. 2:1-10): The entire Scripture is replete of God’s care towards His creation, especially those who have repented and their sins are forgiven.
(b) IN OUR DAILY LIVES Psalm 68:19 declares, blessed be the Lord , who daily loadeth us with benefits, even the God of our salvation. Apart from David’s declaration, God’s care is evidently seen daily in our lives. The breath of life is given freely, the changes in session to produce our food , the rain and the sun He gives us . He grant us safety in our journeys and gives us the grace to overcome every temptation. He forgives our errors/mistakes and leads us in the path of righteousness.

Q3.*WHAT IS THE NATURE OF GOD’S CARE? (Psa 37:1-40;55:22; Matt 6 :25-34; Phil. 4:6-7; Heb . 13:5; 1 Pet 5:7)

God’s care is complete and universal. It is based on His mercy and love towards all but especially his children His care includes provisions, preservations, protection,mercy, grace, etc. These are all evident in our lives that God cares for us psalm 23: 4 says , “yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I shall fear no evil for thou art with me” The knowledge of the scriptures enables us to have the boldness to face any storm of life that daily comes our way.


Psa.130:4 declares, “But there is forgiveness with thee, that thou mayest be feared”
The implication of God’s care is that man should fear Him when we have reverential fear of God He will give us the enabling grace to live for him on earth and hereafter after give us eternal rest .
Reverential fear of God brings wisdom, create the heart of obedience to His word and submission to His will.
God in His infinite mercy has provided all it takes for us to live for Him in our life’s journey . His expectation is that we reciprocate His gesture . He has also allowed us to choose to follow Him and keep His ways so that it will be well with us . God does not keep records of sins that have been repented of . Through the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ which He paid once and for all , He has forgiven ALL . Those who accept the sacrifice are justified, but whosoever rejects this offer, will face its consequences. The Scriptures declare thus: “thou art inexcusable , O man ….”( Roms. 2:1a) . ; “so that they are without excuses….”( Roms. 1:20b- 32 ). Believers have nothing to lose when they follow the Lord Jesus to the end. Those that refuse Him will definitely lose everything, including their souls.


God is the only true God, the actual owner of the universe. He cares for us, whatever situation that comes our way, He is there to see us through. No matter the challenges, adverse situations , circumstances , hardship, persecution, lack, bereavement, illness, loss of property, oppression, etc, which the devil uses to attack believers, we are assured of victory since Christ our mighty captain leads against the foe . With patience, which must have its perfect work in us ( James 1:4 ), wisdom and faith in Him, God will continually be honoured in our lives and held in reverence by all.

MEMORY VERSE: ( 1 Pet. 5:7 NLT )
Give all your worries and cares to God, for He cares about what happens to you.

MON God cannot forget His own, Isaiah 49:14-24.
TUE: God cares for His children, Isaiah 57:14-21.
WED: Cast all your cares upon Him. Isaiah 55:22, 1 Pet. 5:7.
THU: Be careful for nothing. Phil 4:6-7.
FRI: God’s mercy endureth forever. Psa. 136:1-26.
SAT: God loves the world. John 3:16-18.

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