Topic: God Desires Faithfulness [Charles Stanley Daily Devotional 12 May 2021]

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God Desires Faithfulness

1 Corinthians 4:1-5

We’re often drawn to stories about underdogs whose achievements surpass all expectations. Whether it’s athletic contests, intellectual pursuits, or business ventures, we applaud their success. But as impressive as human accomplishments may be, they are not the standard by which God measures success.

The Lord values faithfulness, and the praise for a job well done won’t come until we reach heaven. It doesn’t matter how talented or successful we are by earthly standards, because God’s goal for us is obedience, faithfulness, and Christlike character.

Since the Lord wants us to succeed spiritually, He has provided everything we need. His Word gives us principles to practice, testimonies of faithful men and women to study and emulate, and the most powerful example of love and obedience: His Son. Whether in speech or in work, Jesus did nothing on His own initiative (John 8:28). His desire was to be completely dependent on His Father and obedient in every aspect of His life. 

Is that your desire as well? It’s easy to become sidetracked from this goal, but if you’ll persist, God Himself will be pleased with your faithfulness.

Bible in One Year: 2 Chronicles 5-7

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