Topic: God Does Not Reject You [Joyce Meyer Devotional 19 November 2020]

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Although my father and my mother have forsaken me, yet the Lord will take me up [adopt me as His child].— Psalm 27:10 (AMPC)

We were created for acceptance, not rejection. To be rejected means to be thrown away as having no value or as being unwanted, but God does the exact opposite. He pulls you to Himself, and He considers you to be of extreme value. The fact that God sent Jesus to die for you demonstrates that you are completely loved and treasured by Him.

If you’ve struggled with self-image issues in your life, it might be due to a root of rejection. The emotional pain of rejection is one of the deepest kinds known, especially if the rejection comes from someone we love or expect to love us, like parents or a spouse.

Overcoming rejection is certainly not easy, but we can heal from it when we receive the love of Jesus. In Ephesians 3:18, Paul prayed for the church that they would truly understand “the breadth and length and height and depth” of the love that God had for them, because this experience far surpasses mere knowledge.

Look for all the ways that God shows His love for you, and it will eventually overcome the rejection you may have experienced from other people. Every time God gives you favor, He is showing you that He loves you. I encourage you to begin watching for those today. As you gain a deep revelation of God’s love for you, it will destroy the roots of rejection in your heart.

Prayer Starter: Father, please help me see and experience Your love at a new level of depth. Thank You for healing me from every root of rejection in my heart. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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