Topic: God Forgives and He Forgets [Joyce Meyer Devotional 20 May 2021] -

Topic: God Forgives and He Forgets [Joyce Meyer Devotional 20 May 2021]

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…For I will forgive their iniquity, and I will [seriously] remember their sin no more.— Jeremiah 31:34 (AMPC)

No matter what your problem is or how bad you feel about yourself as a result of it, God loves you and He wants to be in close relationship with you. In Jesus Christ, He has given you a new life. He will give you a new family of Christian friends to love and accept and appreciate and support you. You are going to enjoy a victorious life because of Jesus, the One Who lives on the inside of you and cares for you.

When you sin, you can repent and receive forgiveness. When God shows you any sin in your life, just agree with Him and be amazed by His goodness. God not only forgives us, but He promises to forget our sin.

God’s mercy is wonderful and as we receive His love, forgiveness, and mercy, we can also learn how to give it to people in our lives who hurt and disappoint us. If you are angry with anyone, I recommend that you extend the same mercy to that person that God has given you. The more you let love flow to you from God and through you to others, the happier you will be.

God’s mercy is new every morning. Each day we can find a fresh place to begin.

Prayer Starter: Lord, thank you for new mercy every day. Help me to show the same mercy You show me, to others in my life. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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