Topic: GOD IS IN THIS CRISIS — [Max Lucado Ministry 19 June 2020]

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Do you recite your woes more naturally than you do heaven’s strength?  No wonder life’s tough.  You’re assuming God isn’t in this crisis.

Isabel spent her first three and a half years  in a Nicaraguan orphanage.  As with all orphans, her odds of adoption diminished with time.  And then the door slammed on her finger!  Why would God permit this innocent girl to feel even more pain?  Might He be calling the attention of Ryan Schnoke sitting in the playroom nearby?  He and his wife had been trying to adopt a child for months.  Ryan walked over, picked her up, and comforted her.  Several months later, Ryan and Christina were close to giving up, and Ryan remembered Isabel.  Little Isabel is growing up now in a happy, healthy home.

A finger in the door?  God doesn’t manufacture pain, but He certainly puts it to use.  Your crisis?  You’ll get through this!

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