Topic: God Is Just [Joyce Meyer Devotional 28 September 2021]

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The LORD is a God of justice; blessed are all those who wait for Him.— Isaiah 30:18 (NKJV)View Previous DevotionalSEPTEMBER 28, 2021

God Is Just

The world’s way of dealing with people who have hurt us is to try to get revenge. We don’t have to look farther than the daily news to hear about someone who has tried to take revenge on another person for some reason. Many times, the person taking revenge is determined not simply to hurt the person who hurt them, but to do something worse.

One of the facts of life is that people will hurt each other. Jesus said, “In this world you will have trouble” (John 16:33 NIV). This means we will be hurt at times and even suffer injustice. But we are not to try to avenge ourselves. Bringing justice is God’s job. The apostle Paul writes in Romans 12:19 (ESV): Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the LORD.”

I have studied the character of God thoroughly, and one aspect of His character that gives me great comfort is the fact that He is just. The simplest way I know to explain this is to say that God will always make wrong things right. I have personally experienced God’s justice in many situations. When I am going through something I feel is unjust or unfair to me, I have learned to trust God to make it right in His own way and in His timing. As long as we are trying to get revenge, the person who hurt us is still controlling us, but when we give it to God, we are set free.

Life is not always fair. Sometimes people hurt us in ways that are terribly unjust. If you have ever been completely innocent in a situation and suffered in those circumstances anyway, you know what I mean. If anyone has ever treated you in a way you did not deserve—such as a friend or a family member who hurt you deeply when you had been nothing but good to that person— you also know what I mean. But thank God, He is always fair. He understands justice and injustice better than we do, and He sees every wrong thing that happens to us. And He makes it right.

I encourage you today to trust God to bring justice to every injustice that has happened to you. Trusting Him in this way will relieve you completely of feeling you have to somehow take revenge on people who have hurt you. Trusting Him to bring justice means never again wondering how you can get back at someone or trying to figure out how you can make the person pay for what he or she did to you. Remind yourself often that God is just and that He will bring justice to you. It may not happen the way you envision or as soon as you would like, but He will do it.

Prayer Starter: Lord, I trust You to bring justice to my life, making every wrong situation right. Amen.

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