Topic: God Is Not Mocked [David Jeremiah Devotional August 16 2019 | Turning Point Ministries]

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AUGUST 16, 2019

Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.
Galatians 6:7

 Recommended Reading: Genesis 38:1-30

God’s harvest principle—we reap what we sow—is illustrated more than once in Scripture. But nowhere as sadly as in the story of Judah, one of Jacob’s twelve sons who fell away from God and reaped a terrible harvest.

Judah, the fourth eldest son of Jacob, exhibited leadership qualities when he intervened in his brothers’ plans to put Joseph to death. He convinced them to spare Joseph’s life and sell him into Egypt as a slave instead. He must have been a natural leader—until he yielded to fleshly temptation and married a Canaanite woman who bore him three sons. Two of his sons were wicked and died, and Judah had sexual relations with the widow of one of the sons, thinking she was a prostitute. This story is no doubt included in the Genesis record as an illustration of the need to isolate the Hebrews in Egypt, in order to keep them from intermarrying with pagans in Canaan. (Egyptians looked down on the Hebrews and would not intermarry with them.)

Judah’s actions sent ramifications, like ripples across a pond, throughout the story of God’s chosen people. God is not mocked: What we sow, we will also reap.

Sow holiness, and reap happiness.
George Swinnock

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