Topic: God Lives in You [Joyce Meyer Devotional 15 April 2021]

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Dwell in Me, and I will dwell in you. [Live in Me, and I will live in you.]…— John 15:4 (AMPC)

Why would God want to live in us? And how can He do so? After all, He is holy, and we are weak, human flesh with frailties, faults, and failures.

The answer is simple: He loves us and chooses to make His home in us. He does that because He is God; He has the ability to do what He wants, and He elects or chooses to make His home in our hearts. This choice is not based on any good deed we have done or ever could do; it based solely on God’s grace, power, and mercy. We become God’s home by believing in Jesus Christ (as God instructs us in the Bible). The verse for today emphasizes the fact that we must believe in Jesus Christ as the one God sent in order to experience intimacy with Him. Believing in Him enables us to hear His voice, receive His Word in our hearts, and feel His presence.

In addition to believing in Jesus as God’s heaven-sent gift to mankind, we are to simply believe that Jesus’ sacrifice for our sins was enough to allow us into the presence of God. We become the home of God when we receive Jesus as our Savior and Lord. From that position, by the power of the Holy Spirit, He begins a wonderful work in us.

Prayer Starter: Father, thank You for living in my heart. I am so grateful for the incredible sacrifice You made for me. Help me to always feel Your presence. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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