Topic: God Provides on the Way to the Miracle [RICK WARREN Devotional 30 January 2021]

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God Provides on the Way to the Miracle

“My God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.”

Philippians 4:19 (NIV)Waiting for a miracle can be hard. Sometimes the road is cold, dark, and lonely; you may even find yourself stuck in a rut. You may not know where you’re going or how long the journey will take.

No matter where you are on the way to your miracle, here are some things you need to remember:

God is all you need.
You don’t need a big bank account, a full refrigerator, or even a job. If God wants to, he can have ravens drop food on you as his way of providing. That’s how he provided for the prophet Elijah, who was exhausted and burned-out in the desert; you can read about it in 1 Kings 17. When God turns off one source of provision, he can turn on another just as easily. You can trust him for all you need.

Where God guides, God provides.
After sending the ravens to feed Elijah, God told him to make a dangerous trip to Zarephath. There was a drought in Zarephath and very little food. Yet God provided for Elijah through a poor widow with a generous heart. When God tells you to go somewhere, go immediately. When God tells you to do something, do it right away. When God gives you direction, he will provide what you need to get there.

You must trust him one day at a time.
Why? Because some of your problems persist day after day. For instance, if you have financial problems, you’ll have to deal with them every day. And so we must trust God one day at a time to provide. The Bible says, “My God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:19 NIV).

God’s promises work when you’re obedient.
God often lays out his plan just one step at a time. He wants you to take the first step in obedience, and then he’ll show you the next step. Each step along the way may not seem logical, but you can obey in faith and confidence, knowing God’s way is always best.

Have you taken the first step of faith?
The first step of faith is asking Jesus to save you and take control of your life. If you’ve never done that, then I invite you to pray this prayer right now:

“Dear God, thank you for loving me and wanting me to depend on you. for loving me and wanting me to depend on you.Forgive me for when I’ve depended on my job, other people, and my own plans instead of you. I want to learn to trust you one day at a time. I want to go your way, not my way. I confess my sin, and I believe you are my Savior. I want to follow you, and I ask you to save me and come into my life. I claim your promise that if I trust you, I will be saved and you’ll meet my needs. When you tell me what to do, I will obey. Help me to remember you’re all I need and where you guide, you’ll provide. I pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.”

  • What are you tempted to depend on other than Jesus?
  • How has God provided for you in unexpected ways?
  • Have you trusted Jesus for your salvation? If not, what’s keeping you from it? If so, what difference has that made in your life?

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