Topic: God Sees the Good in You [Joyce Meyer Devotional 12 September 2021] -

Topic: God Sees the Good in You [Joyce Meyer Devotional 12 September 2021]

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[He exclaimed] O my love, how beautiful you are! There is no flaw in you!— Song of Solomon 4:7 (AMPC)View Previous DevotionalSEPTEMBER 12, 2021

God Sees the Good in You

God loves you and sees the good in you. He created you specifically with unique gifts and talents. He sees what you are becoming and what you will be. He is not overly concerned about your faults; He knew all of them when He invited you to be in an intimate relationship with Him. All He wants is your love and a willingness to grow in Him.

Your presence is a present to the world. You are unique and one of a kind. Do not ever forget, for even a day, how very special you are!

Prayer Starter: Lord, thank You for loving me unconditionally, even when I make mistakes. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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