Topic: God will turn that Threat into a Triumph [Archbishop Margaret E. Benson Idahosa] Above Only Daily Devotional 18 May 2020

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God will turn that Threat into a Triumph

2 Chronicles 20:1-2, 26-27 (GNB) Sometime later the armies of Moab and Ammon, together, together with their allies, the Meunites, invaded Judah. Some messengers came and announced to King Jehoshaphat: “A large army from Edom has come from the other side of the Dead Sea to attack you. … 26 One the fourth day they assembled in Beracah Valley and praised the Lord for all he had done. That is why the valley is called “Beracah.” Jehoshaphat led his troops back to Jerusalem in triumph, because the Lord had defeated their enemies.

In 2 Chronicles 20, we see a powerful account of how God can turn threats to triumphs for us. Jehoshaphat was reigning peacefully making progress as a king when he received a message that the armies of about three different kings had decided to come and fight with him. Jehoshaphat and the Israelites decided to rely on God for His help, (verses 3-4). In their prayer, they worshipped God and acknowledged who He is and the wonderful things He did in the past, (verses 6-7). They reminded God of His promises to always save them, (verses 8-9). They then presented the threat and challenge to God (verses 10-12). Right there, the Spirit of the Lord came upon one of them and he declared God’s word of victory to them. God told them not to fear and fight in that battle. All they would need to do was to show up for the battle, (verses 14-19).

On the day of the battle, Jehoshaphat told Israelites, “Believe in the Lord your God, so shall ye be established; believe his prophets, so shall ye prosper.” Jehoshaphat then arranged for the people to sing and praise God as they went to the battlefield. As they began to sing and praise God, the invading armies began to fight and kill themselves. 2 Chronicles 20:24 (GNB) says, “When the Judean army reached a tower that was in the desert, they looked toward the enemy and saw that they were all lying on the ground dead. Not one had escaped.” The story did not end there. The Good News Bible says for three days, the Israelites gathered “many cattle, supplies, clothing, and other valuable objects,” (verse 25). As you worship God for what He has done for you in Christ and declare His promises to yourself, God will turn that threat into a triumph.

Prayer Focus:

Worship God for His great love for you and for all He has done for you in Christ. Declare His promises and pray about every threat in your life.

Bible in one year reading plan:

  1. 1 Chronicles 7-9
  2. John 6:22-44

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