Topic: God Works All Things Out for Good [Joyce Meyer Devotional 13 May 2021] -

Topic: God Works All Things Out for Good [Joyce Meyer Devotional 13 May 2021]

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…according to your faith and trust and reliance [on the power invested in me] be it done to you.— Matthew 9:29 (AMPC)

No matter what you might be going through right now, if you simply continue loving God and wanting His will in your life, He promises to turn your difficulties into something good. I encourage you to remain steadfast and to never give up on believing you will see God’s goodness in your life. Even if things don’t turn out the way you wanted them to, they can turn out better than you ever believed they would.

Bad things can become good things when we put God in charge of all things!

Prayer Starter: Lord, help me to put You in charge of everything in my life and I expect my problems to turn into blessings! In Jesus’ name, amen

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