Topic: Godly Friends Help You Make Good Decisions [RICK WARREN Devotional 4 July 2020] -

Topic: Godly Friends Help You Make Good Decisions [RICK WARREN Devotional 4 July 2020]

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Godly Friends Help You Make Good Decisions

“Walk with the wise and become wise; associate with fools and get in trouble.”

Proverbs 13:20 (NLT)When you trust God to make tough choices easier, he gives you wisdom when you ask for it. One way he does that is by directing you to people who know and practice his Word. He gives you connections with godly people who will point you in the right direction.

You need to get some godly people in your life who love and obey the Bible. You were never meant to practice God’s wisdom on your own.

Proverbs 13:20 says, “Walk with the wise and become wise; associate with fools and get in trouble” (NLT).

This is important because the quality of your life and the quality of your decisions will be determined by who you spend the most time with.

Are the people you hang out with the most helping you or hurting you? Are they building your faith or your fear? Are they causing you to worship or to worry? Are they stress relievers or stress generators in your life?

This time of social distancing presents some unique challenges to obeying this verse. We’re just not hanging out like we used to!

While we’re in a season of uncertainty and isolation, you can still keep company with wise people. For instance, technology allows you to stay in touch through phone or video. Then, be intentional about connecting with people every day—people who will encourage you and point you to God’s Word and help you make wise decisions.

  • Think of your most important friendships. Are those people causing you to worry or worship?
  • Have you used the pandemic as an excuse to distance yourself from people? What can you do today to make a connection with someone who will encourage you in your faith?
  • Why do you think God wants us to help each other make wise decisions? Why can’t we do it on our own?

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