Topic: God’s Certain Purpose [David Jeremiah Ministry 11 November 2021 | Turning Point Ministries]

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God’s Certain Purpose

NOVEMBER 11, 2021

And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.
Romans 8:28

 Recommended Reading: Genesis 50:19-21

It’s true for all of life’s endeavors, but take athletics as an example: Everything one puts into years of training and competing plays a part in the ultimate achievement of victory. Or not, since victory isn’t guaranteed. But athletes take the long view of their vocation, allowing the ups and downs they endure to play a part in not only perfecting athletic skill, but their maturity as well.

The example of athletics isn’t a perfect parallel to the Christian life for many reasons—but for a primary one: Victory is guaranteed for the Christian! The apostle Paul wrote that everything in life is used by God in the Christian’s life for good, to accomplish God’s purpose. And what is that purpose? Romans 8:29 tells us: “To be conformed to the image of His Son.” That result is not a maybe, it is a certainty.

Also Read: Open Heaven 11 November 2021 THE MIGHTY DEEDS OF GOD 

Trust God. Everything in your past, present, and future is playing a role in conforming you to the image of Christ. You may not see the purpose immediately, or ever, but God does.

God permits no suffering or trials without a purpose, even though that purpose may be hidden from us.
Frank Retief

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