Topic: God’s covenant child – Rev. Dr. Ed Young Devotional 1 August 2020]

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God’s covenant child

August 1, 2020

“The Son of God appeared for this purpose, to destroy the works of the devil.”- 1 JOHN 3:8

A friend of mine waited after a banquet for a parking attendant to bring his car. A woman’s auto came first, and she got in as the motor idled. Suddenly her accelerator jammed, and the car sped out of control toward people leaving a restaurant. Thankfully, no one was injured. Had the woman turned off the ignition, the danger would have ended immediately. When Jesus “destroyed” the works of the devil at the cross, the Greek term means He made Satan’s power inoperable. If you are God’s covenant child through Christ, you don’t have to race through life under the devil’s control.

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