Topic: God’s Creation [Joyce Meyer Devotional 15 March 2020]

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Know (perceive, recognize, and understand with approval) that the Lord is God! It is He Who has made us, not we ourselves [and we are His]! We are His people and the sheep of His pasture— Psalm 100:3 (AMPC)

Like most people, I struggled for years with constantly comparing myself to others. Over time, I rejected and disapproved of the person God created me to be more and more. After decades of misery, I finally understood that God does not make mistakes. He purposely makes all of us different, and different is not bad—it’s God showing us His endless creativity.

Psalm 139 reminds us that God intricately formed each of us in our mothers’ wombs with His own hand. He wrote all of our days in His book long before any of them happened. Because He loves us so much, we can accept ourselves as God’s creation and let Him help us be the unique, precious individual that He intended us to be.

Confidence begins with self-acceptance—which is made possible through a strong faith in God’s love and plan for our lives. I believe it’s insulting to our Maker (God) when we compare ourselves with others, wishing we were someone else. Today, you can make a decision to stop comparing, to begin appreciating others for who they are, and to start enjoying the amazing person you are!

Prayer Starter: Father, I agree that You did not make a mistake when You made me. You designed me to be unlike anyone else because You wanted me to be unique. I celebrate how You formed me to reflect You to the world. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

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