Topic: God’s Love Is Eternal [Tony Evans Devotional 31 October 2019]

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In HIS Presence:  God demonstrates His own love towards us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us (Romans 5:8).

God commands husbands to love their wives.  However, He never instructs a wife to do the same.  She is commanded, instead, to respect her mate.  This may seem like an odd way to address the subject of love, but God is not saying that women should dismiss this commandment.

Rather, God is love, and His love lives within us.  Therefore, we are commanded to love one another with the love of Christ.  From God’s perspective, a woman’s love comes as a direct response to her husband’s salvation and the fight of love he gives to her.  It begins with the foundation of respect and flourishes.

If husbands are going to be biblical lovers, they also must become biblical saviors.  Jesus Christ did not die for us because we were lovable.  He died for us in order to make us lovable.  His gift of salvation is the greatest form of love.  When we were lost in sin, He died for you and me.  It is his love that draws us to Himself.  We are saved by love so that we can receive His love.

Many times, we think of love as being hot or cold—on or off—but God’s love is eternal.  It has no ending.  In order to experience it, however, we must come to a point where we accept and respect the fact that He loves us.  Once we do this, we discover the irresistible love of God for ourselves.

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