Topic: God’s mercy – Rev. Dr. Ed Young Devotional 16 November 2019]

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November 16, 2019

“As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us… And I will not remember your sins … Yes, You will cast all their sins into the depths of the sea.” – PSALM 103:12; ISAIAH 43:25; MICAH 7:19

When it comes to our sin, there’s the “east-west,” “amnesia” and “deep sea” promises. Through Jesus Christ, God cleanses us so completely that our guilt is as impossible to find as the dividing line between east and west horizons. God’s mercy is so thorough He erases our condemning evil from His mind. God’s forgiveness is so sweeping that it’s as if our iniquity sinks irretrievably into the deepest ocean trench. Though our accuser attempts to discover something to bring against us, it is illusive, non-existent in the mind of Holy God, and cannot be fished out of the depths. God’s grace is thorough and complete.

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