Topic: God’s Message to His Children [Charles Stanley Daily Devotional 12 January 2021] -

Topic: God’s Message to His Children [Charles Stanley Daily Devotional 12 January 2021]

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God’s Message to His Children

1 John 4:7-14

Sometimes we hear so much about love in books, songs, and conversations that we begin to lose sight of its spiritual dimensions. Believers must remember that God’s love is of a much higher caliber—it is the starting point of our salvation. If He had not loved us first, we’d be destined for eternal condemnation rather than eternal life.

God revealed the extent of His love by sending His Son to die in our place. Jesus Christ became our substitute and bore God’s wrath for our sins so we could be forgiven and receive life everlasting.

But divine love extends even further. Not only are we pardoned forever, but God has also adopted us into His family (Eph. 1:5). As His children we are loved, accepted, and cared for by our heavenly Father. Yet even this is not the full extent of His love. God has also made us co-heirs with His Son (Rom. 8:17). Our inheritance is reserved for us in heaven, and one day when He returns to earth as King, we will one day rule with Christ in His kingdom.

Never let the world’s shallow concept of love rob you of the wonder of being a recipient of God’s divine love, which transforms us from enemies to heirs.

Bible in One Year: Genesis 39-41

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