Topic: God’s Saving Initiative [Charles Stanley Daily Devotional 10 OCTOBER 2020] -

Topic: God’s Saving Initiative [Charles Stanley Daily Devotional 10 OCTOBER 2020]

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God’s Saving Initiative

Acts 9:1-9

In other religions, worshippers pursue their god. In Christianity, however, it’s God who takes the initiative. This is obvious in the conversion of Saul of Tarsus (later known as Paul). Far from seeking the Messiah, the future apostle was actually persecuting Jesus by hunting and imprisoning Christians. The Lord was the one who sought Paul, opened his mind to believe, and transformed his life forever.

All throughout the Word of God, we see His active pursuit of sinners. Consider Adam and Eve, who, instead of seeking the Lord for forgiveness of their sin, tried to hide from Him in the Garden of Eden. Genesis 3:8-21 reveals that it was God who called out to them—He promised a redeemer through the woman’s offspring and covered the shame of their guilt with animal skins (which was also the first blood sacrifice).

Similarly, when Christ came to earth, He’s the one who took the initiative in choosing disciples. In fact, the same can be said about the Lord drawing every one of us who has trusted in Him for salvation (John 15:16). And now the Savior has allowed us to participate in His pursuit of sinners by proclaiming the gospel and imploring people to believe and be saved. Are you living out that calling?

Bible in One Year: Matthew 22-24

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