Topic: God’s servant – Rev. Dr. Ed Young Devotional 12 January 2020]

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God’s servant

January 12, 2020

“Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing will injure you” … And the Lord said to Paul in the night by a vision, “”Do not be afraid any longer, but go on speaking and do not be silent; for I am with you, and no man will attack you in order to harm you, for I have many people in this city.” -Luke 10:19; Acts 18:9-10When the God’s servant invades enemy territory, the foe doesn’t like it, and mobilizes. Jesus promised His followers that as long as we are under Him, we have His authority, including power over the “serpents” and “scorpions,” symbolizing demons. So Paul was bullet-proof when he headed for Corinth. When you’re in the center of God’s will, you need not be afraid. 

When you are under authority, you are trusted with authority. So, under Christ’s Lordship, you have the authority, not the devil. The adversary can’t take you out of the world. Only God can do that, and He won’t until your mission is completed.

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