Topic: God’s Sheep Dog [David Jeremiah Ministry 16 November 2020 | Turning Point Ministries] -

Topic: God’s Sheep Dog [David Jeremiah Ministry 16 November 2020 | Turning Point Ministries]

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God’s Sheep Dog

NOVEMBER 16, 2020

But what does it matter?
Philippians 1:18, NIV

 Recommended Reading: Philippians 1:12-18

God has a way of using peculiar people. John Vassar (1813-1878) was one of them. He called himself the “Good Shepherd’s dog, hunting up the lost sheep.” He worked for souls day and night, and no one was excluded from his burden. One well-dressed woman was minding her own business when Vassar approached her, urging her to give her life to Jesus. She told him she didn’t believe any of the truths he was speaking, but she later told her husband, “He is one of those persons you can’t shut up.”

When Vassar met President Ulysses S. Grant, he held onto his hand until he had given him the Gospel. When introduced to Brigham Young, the Mormon leader, Vassar began asking him about his soul and urging him to receive the true Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Some people are bolder than others, and some are plainspoken. Some don’t always have exactly the right methods, and some may not even have the right motives. “But what does it matter?” asked the apostle Paul. The Gospel is being preached, and because of that we rejoice.

Young man, I’m using to the glory of God all the grammar that I know, are you doing the same?

D. L. Moody to a young man who criticized his grammar


 Read-Thru-the-Bible: Acts 12 – 13

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