Topic: God’s Strength Made Perfect [David Jeremiah Ministry 4 February 2021 | Turning Point Ministries]

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God’s Strength Made Perfect

FEBRUARY 4, 2021

He gives power to the weak, and to those who have no might He increases strength.
Isaiah 40:29

 Recommended Reading: Isaiah 40:27-31

Christiana Tsai (1890-1984) was converted to Christ in missionary school in China. Her family was furious, yet over time Christiana managed to win 55 of her loved ones to Christ. In 1930, she was stricken with malaria, which left her debilitated. She became sensitive to light and noise, and she remained confined to a dark room from 1931 until her death in 1984. But her ministry grew despite her weakness, with many people visiting her bedside and finding Christ. 

“From her bed as a pulpit, she led countless people to accept Christ. Drawn by the Holy Spirit, people traveled from many parts of the world to visit her. She seldom refused to see anyone no matter how unwell she felt.”[1]

All of us long for good health, and we worry about sickness, illness, injury, and disease. While our concern is normal and natural, we need to remember how mightily God can use us regardless of how we feel from day to day. We can be spiritually strong in Christ, even when we are physically weak.

Clouds may gather over our home in times of sickness or bereavement; but the influence of a sweet Christian character shines through the clouds with a golden radiance, bringing a lasting blessing.

Christiana Tsai

[1]Margaret Lamberts Bendroth and Virginia Lieson Brereton, ed., Women and Twentieth-Century Protestantism(Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press, 2002), 158.


 Read-Thru-the-Bible: Leviticus 22 – 23

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