Topic: “GOD’S SUPPLY” – Daily Devotional By Dag Heward-Mills Ministry 5 December 2021 -

Topic: “GOD’S SUPPLY” – Daily Devotional By Dag Heward-Mills Ministry 5 December 2021

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READ: 2 Corinthians 9:6-11

He that spared not his own Son…how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?” – Romans 8:32

In Genesis chapter 1, God reveals Himself as Elohim, which means Creator. At another point, God reveals Himself as Jehovah, which means “I AM THAT I AM”, the one who makes promises and covenants and keeps them (Exodus 3:14).

Also Read: Open Heaven 5 December 2021 –Topic: DIVINE RESTORATION 

God progressively revealed Himself to humanity. When He showed Himself to Abraham as El’Shaddai (which means “The Almighty God”), He was trying to reveal that He is able to do all things. God was showing Abraham that although he was ninety years old, He could still give him a child.

When Abraham went to war with the five kings, God revealed Himself as Adonai, which means “Master and Owner”. He was the Master of the battle! When the Lord revealed Himself to Moses in the burning bush, He showed Himself as Jehovah, the one who keeps promises. Later on, God decided to reveal Himself a little more as Jehovah Rophe: “The Lord that heals”.

You get to know more about a person as you continue the relationship. Similarly, there are many aspects of Christianity that we have to experience. I want you to encounter yet another important dimension of the Lord – to experience God as your provider. God can supply all your needs: He can provide food for you; He can provide cars and houses for you. It is important that you work hard! However, there are things that your hard work cannot provide. That is why you need God’s divine provision.

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