Topic: “GOD’S VISIT” – Daily Devotional By Dag Heward-Mills Ministry 25 July 2020

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READ: 2 Kings 5:1-16

I will abundantly bless her provision: I will satisfy her poor with bread” – Psalm 132:15

Indeed, God visits His people to bless them and prosper them. It is important to recognize when God visits you to provide for you. Do not think that God provides for only some of His children. That is not the case. The problem is that we often cannot recognize God’s provision to us because we know of only one way in which He visits us.

The disciples walked several miles with the Lord but did not recognize Him (Mark 16:12). Isn’t that amazing? The Lord told Adam and Eve to look around them and see that He had provided everything that they needed. You need to become a master at discerning how God has provided for you. When people do not recognize His provision for what it is, Like Naaman the Syrian who expected the prophet to minister the healing in a particular way, we often expect God to meet our needs in a particular way.

I may not live or work in America but in different ways I see how God has provided for me too. Many doctors in America cannot have servants, drivers, security guards or secretaries attending to them. But in the third world I can afford these. I see them as a provision of God that completely changes the quality of my life.

Understand how God provides so that you do not drive away people God has sent to you. You must go further and develop the provisions that God has made for you. No matter what provision you have it is your duty to develop it and use it

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