Topic: God’s Voice Today [Charles Stanley Daily Devotional 31 December 2020]

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God’s Voice Today

2 Timothy 3:14-17

Have you ever considered that our omnipotent God can communicate with us in any way He pleases? We may expect Him to speak audibly or send an angelic messenger, but He won’t be limited to a certain method of communication. Instead, it is our responsibility to learn how to perceive His voice.

Today our Father speaks to us primarily through His Word. The Scriptures are fully reliable because the Holy Spirit of God literally breathed His truth upon the minds of men, who recorded it precisely (2 Timothy 3:16).

So often when trouble strikes, we turn to some friend or counselor. That is good, for the Father does speak through godly men and women. But the first place we should turn is to His Word.

God has given us this Book so that we might know Him. If you pick up the Bible only when you have a question or emergency, then you won’t have a true picture of who the Lord is or what He wants you to know. Scripture is a treasure trove of God’s thoughts. Spend time there every day—starting today—to discover new truths and insights.

Bible in One Year: Revelation 18-22

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