Topic: Good [Joyce Meyer Devotional 22 October 2019]

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…how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him!— Matthew 7:11

The word good means, “useful; valuable; having qualities or a tendency to produce a beneficial effect.”

God is good, without respect to persons. In other words, He is good to all, all the time. His goodness radiates from Him.

Not everything in our life is good, but God can work it out for good if we will trust Him. Joseph suffered much abuse at the hands of his brothers as a young boy, but later in life when he had an opportunity to get revenge against them, he said: …You thought evil against me, but God meant it for good… (Genesis 50:20 AMPC). Joseph could have been bitter, but he searched for the good in his painful situation.

God’s entire motive and purpose is to do good to everyone who will receive it from Him. It is impossible for God not to be good, because it is His character. Don’t think that God is like people, because His ways and thoughts are far above ours (see Isaiah 55:8–9).

Prayer Starter: Father, thank You for being good…all the time. Help me to expect Your goodness throughout my day. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

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