Topic: Good Tidings, Great Joy [David Jeremiah Ministry 14 December 2020 | Turning Point Ministries]

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Good Tidings, Great Joy

DECEMBER 14, 2020

Then the angel said to [the shepherds], “Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people.”
Luke 2:10

 Recommended Reading: Matthew 14:27

All of us have had the experience of waiting on an outcome—a medical diagnosis, a job application, a missing child—and we wait with a sense of dread. Then the phone rings, or a person approaches, and says, “Good news! All is well!” When that good report comes, we have experienced what the Bible calls evangelism—the receipt of good news that brings joy and relief.

In Luke 2:10, the angel’s words, “I bring you good tidings of great joy” contains the Greek word for evangelism—the announcing of good news. The shepherds were no doubt anxious when the angel of the Lord appeared. But they were soon put at ease by the angel’s words. Dread and fear were replaced by “great joy” at the announcement of the birth of the Savior in Bethlehem. And that is true of us as well. We may fear much in life, but the Good News of Christ can alleviate every worry.

This Christmas let the reminder of Christ’s birth and life be a source of great joy for you.


 Read-Thru-the-Bible: 1 Timothy 1 – 6

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