Topic: Grace Outside the Box – Our Daily Bread  29 July 2020

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Grace Outside the Box

Bible in a Year:Psalms 49–50Romans 1

Mephibosheth ate at David’s table like one of the king’s sons.2 Samuel 9:11

SHAREToday’s Scripture & Insight:2 Samuel 9:1–7

Tom worked for a law firm that advised Bob’s company. They became friends—until Tom embezzled thousands of dollars from the company. Bob was hurt and angry when he found out, but he received wise counsel from his vice president, a believer in Christ. The VP noticed Tom was deeply ashamed and repentant, and he advised Bob to drop the charges and hire Tom. “Pay him a modest salary so he can make restitution. You’ll never have a more grateful, loyal employee.” Bob did, and Tom was.

Mephibosheth, grandson of King Saul, hadn’t done anything wrong, but he was in a tough spot when David became king. Most kings killed the royal bloodline. But David loved King Saul’s son Jonathan, and treated his surviving son as his own (see 2 Samuel 9:1–13). His grace won a friend for life. Mephibosheth marveled that he “deserved nothing but death from my lord the king, but you gave your servant a place” (19:28). He remained loyal to David, even when David’s son Absalom chased David from Jerusalem (2 Samuel 16:1–4; 19:24–30).

Do you want a loyal friend for life? Someone so extraordinary may require you to do something extraordinary. When common sense says punish, choose grace. Hold them accountable, but give the undeserving a chance to make things right. You may never find a more grateful, devoted friend. Think outside the box, with grace.

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Reflect & Pray

Who has sinned against you? How might you hold them accountable while also forgiving them?

Father, I’ve received extraordinary grace from You. Help me show that grace to others—especially to those with a repentant spirit

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