Topic:  Graced For More – Streams Of Joy International Daily Devotional By Pastor Jerry Uchechukwu Eze 23 September 2021 

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Graced For More

23rd September 2021

Scripture Reading: Psalm 52: 1-9


“But I am like a green olive tree in the house of God…” (Psalm 52: 8)

One unique characteristic that makes the olive tree different from other trees is the fact that several new tree shoots can arise from the root system. As many as ten or more new stems can emerge from a single root. So, every root of an olive tree has in it several trees waiting to show up in due course. Every root of an olive tree has in it an ability to produce more trees. Every root of an olive tree has the capacity to bring forth different trees.

Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: you are like the olive tree that will bring forth multiple trees from one root. God is saying to you, from that one root you have, many trees will emerge. From that one gift you have, several gifts will manifest. From that one opportunity you have, several more opportunities will come forth. From that one door that has opened, several other doors will also open. There is more coming from your one root.

You are like the olive tree that will give rise to different stems from one root. You have the ability to produce several things at the same time. You have the capacity for multiple competences. You have the ability to be more than one thing. The resources of heaven in you are so enormous that you can do more than you are doing right now. You are blessed with multiple abilities. The grace to do more than you have ever done is on you.

You have the ability to do more and be more. You have the ability for more dimensions and expressions of your ministry. You have the ability to create new streams of income. You have what it takes to bring forth new dimensions of who God has made you. You have what it takes to make fresh branches of your business to come forth. You have what it takes to grow on new fronts. You will blossom and flourish beyond your current borders.

The power for multiple competences lives inside of you. The abilities for endless possibilities reside within you. The strength for supernatural strides lives in you. You are supremely empowered to deliver unusual results. You have grace to become more.


I have grace for more; out of my ‘one’ shall come forth many, in Jesus’ name!

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