Topic: ““GREAT FRIEND”” – Daily Devotional By Dag Heward-Mills Ministry 18 December 2021

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READ: Romans 8:32-39

Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” – John 15:13

I have discovered that God is our greatest friend. Traditionally, people have blamed the Lord for every bad thing that happened. Even in legal jargon, events like earthquakes, floods and tornadoes are called “acts of God”. If God does all these evil things, what does the devil spend his time doing?

God’s real nature is revealed to us in the Word. The devil wants you to believe that God is fighting against you. The opposite is true! God is the best friend you have. The God you serve is the God of promotion and blessing. If God did not hold back Jesus Christ, what good thing will He withhold from us?

Also Read: Open Heaven 18 December 2021–Topic: CONTENTMENT AND GODLINESS 

I want you to remember an experience that the disciples had with the Lord. They were in a boat trying to cross the Sea of Galilee when a storm struck. What did Jesus do? He rebuked the storm (Luke 8:24). By rebuking the storm, Jesus was disapproving of it. He was stopping the agents of destruction from shortening His life and ministry. The storm was not an “act of God” sent to destroy them! The Bible teaches us that it is the thief or the devil who comes to steal, to kill and to destroy (John 10:10).

God does not come into your life to destroy you! El’Shaddai does not come into your life to kill you. He is here right now to prolong your life and to extend your days. Your duty is to know and to believe that God is your friend who is trying to help you.

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