Topic: Grow Through It – Daily Devotional [ Rhema for Living] By Apostle Johnson Suleman 18 October 2021 OMEGA FIRE MINISTRIES -

Topic:  Grow Through It – Daily Devotional [ Rhema for Living] By Apostle Johnson Suleman 18 October 2021  OMEGA FIRE MINISTRIES

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Grow Through It
by Apostle (Prof.) Johnson Suleman

TODAY’S SCRIPTURE: Genesis 29-32

TEXT: “When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee; when thou walkest through the fire, thou shall not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee.” Isaiah 43 :2.

MESSAGE: Every challenge and temptation is an examination of life which leads to the growth of a child of God. So when the trials of life present themselves before you, grow through them, don’t just go through. There are lessons of life and wisdom from them that will put you at the top. During such time, always remember that God is with you, that you are not alone in them and since He is with you, all you need to grow through are available.

And that should make you courageous in the face of trials and not complaining no matter the trail. If the Israelites were growing through every trail or challenge that confronted them in the wilderness, they would not have complained all through the trails that came their way.

If they had learnt some lessons in the previous challenge how God came to their rescue when Moses cried to Him, in the next challenge they would not have murmured but be hopeful that help is readily available when they call upon God.

They would have learnt Psalms 46:1; which says, “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” They would also have been conscious of His presence with them. Exod. 13 :21.

In 1 Samuel 18 :34 – 37; from the testimony of David to Saul on how he came out victorious in the various challenges of the lion and the bear which came after the sheep in his care, you would see that he grew through those challenges and based on them, he confidently declared that the LORD who delivered him out of the paw of the lion and the bear will deliver him out of the hand of the philistine. That is what it means to grow through trails and temptations of life.

I pray for you, you will come out victorious in every test and trail of life.

PRAYER: My Father! My Father! As I begin to pray, I will grow through trials, no more complaining…

Omega Fire Devotional 18 October 2021 Rhema for Living Daily Devotional from the Desk of Apostle (Prof.) Johnson Suleman, Omega Fire Ministries International, Auchi Edo State

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