Topic: Guardian Angels [Joyce Meyer Devotional 31 January 2021]

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For He will give His angels [especial] charge over you to accompany and defend and preserve you in all your ways [of obedience and service].— Psalm 91:11 (AMPC)

The other day I was going down some steps and I missed the last step and fell. Although I could have seriously hurt myself, I was able to balance myself so that I dropped to the floor on one knee while holding a laundry basket in one hand and carrying a jar in the other. Did I balance myself or did I have divine help? I thought right away after the fall, I believe an angel caught me and prevented me from injury. I felt that God reminded me of the divine helpers (angels) that are with us at all times.

I admit that I don’t think about angels very often, but I believe I should be more aware of the biblical truth that they are with us all the time, defending and protecting us. We tend to not pay much attention to the things we can’t see with the natural eye, but we can learn to see more with the eye of faith.

God is with us at all times, and He gives His angels to us as a special blessing. Perhaps they could help us more if we truly believed in their presence.

Angels ministered to Jesus when He was being tempted by the devil in the wilderness. When Daniel was in the lions’ den, angels were sent to shut their mouths so they could not harm him.

Actually, God’s Word is filled with many examples of angels giving assistance, so I encourage you to believe they are with you today and to let that thought comfort you.

Prayer Starter: Father, thank You for giving me angels to assist and defend me at all times. I want to be more aware of their presence in my life and more thankful for how often they keep me safe. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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